Diane Fisher, LMT, NMT
a year of transubstantiation
When I began pondering visual images for communion, they looked nothing like this. And yet it fits. As with anything, it all depends on the perspective & perception of the viewer.
When I began pondering tag lines for communion, I learned the word transubstantiation. A word I'd never heard of, which fascinates me as a recovering Catholic, since its church doctrine. We're using this definition: "Conversion of one substance into another." And also, communion for me has always represented the joining of community for the purpose of feeding our spirit & body. When I look back to move this work
forward (Sankofa), eye see that it was really one of my first somatic spiritual teachings.
I'm grateful & honored to be with you here in this cocoon. A space where we can shed our leaves, lean in & trust that we will find support of some kind. A place where we can nurture all the BEings of the Earth, by nurturing ourselves... dissolving ourselves... growing ourselves... stretching ourselves...
The work is not always comfortable/pleasant/warm/soft/fun. And also, it is all of that. We are complex beings in a complex world. And we are simple in an energetic world. We are energy.
And if we are energy, we are everything. everyone. Soak that in, we'll come back around to all this again during our time together.
The journey is the destination. One of my favorite lines always. And so much truth. Remember that your body will react to laughter even if you're not laughing as a result of joy. So laugh along the path.
Let go of your desire to fix everything/anyone/you.
Let go of your search for happiness/dopamine/serotonin/magical cures and get curious about what's really happening.
Let go of your denial/bargaining/codependent/passive aggressive/reactionary/pick-a-pattern ways.
Connect with your heart/soul/spirit/body/Self. Cut ties to persons/places/things that no longer serve you. Call your pieces home.
Examine your wounds Clean out any dead tissue. Apply a balm. Rest & regenerate. Make room for new, healthier skin (our body's first line of defense).
Our physical & energetic bodies DESIRE to be in BALANCE. Some level of balance is REQUIRED to THRIVE in this Game of Life. Remember that balance is not static. it is MOVEMENT. it is FLOW.
Balance requires a back bone AND core strength. It requires AND models grounding/rooting in. What activities come to mind when you think of balance? How does that show up in your body? (i.e. did you smile/frown/wince when you thought about these activities?)
Notice. Simply notice...
This. Is. Communion.
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